Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Obviously never been a backpacker

This one really has me scratchin' me noodle.


$27M Bedbug Bite Action

A Chicago booking agent and her husband have sued a New York resort for ... $27 million.

She says her body and mind were scarred after she suffered 500 bedbug bites while staying at the hotel last summer.

Leslie Fox, 54, said she and husband Stephen Cohen never felt the bedbugs bite while sleeping at the 700-room Nevele Hotel in Ellenville, New York.

She said she noticed the lesions when she got up after their third night at the hotel.


Now there's a thought. I could start lawsuits against some of the places I'VE stayed over the years. Admittedly, you don't expect bedbugs at 5 star hotels, but GET OVER IT YOU FUCKING WHINGING YANKS!

Personally, I'm not completely over having to pay £60 to stay a night in the shittiest, bedbugged, pubic-hair-in-shower, worst-decor hostel in Athens because there was no other accommodation at the time. But do you see me starting an action against the Zorba Hostel, do ya!?

4 angry goats


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