Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Best Album Covers of All Time

Welcome to the first of a series of posts, in which I judge the 10 best album covers of all time. And by best, of course I mean the most disturbing.

It's really gonna be a challenge to come up with categories for some of the covers I plan to post - almost all could fall into the 'Most Bizarre' category or the 'Most Perplexing'. Or 'Most Unintentially Hilarious'. You'll see why.

Also check out the Museum of Bad Album Covers from which I drew some inspiration. I'm so grateful that somebody bothers to spend time on the important things.

Number One: Laziest Artwork On an Album Cover

Would have to go to Dethkorps' 1991 hit (or tit?) album 'Metal Tit'.

I just love this cover in all its postmodern glory. The rolling hills. The smoking, err... things. The big round wheels. The guns? Those three unexplainable scribbles at the bottom. The completely perplexing scene that's meant to be depicted which looks like it's drawn by a 5 year old.

In short, solid gold and well deserving of its 5 happy goats.


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